Reasons To Purchase Standby Over Portable Generators

Portable generators are generators that you can move from one location to another. They typically have wheels and handles to make them more ergonomically friendly. But are they actually any good?  As you’ll discover in this post, it depends on your requirements. Yes, they are great if you want portability, but regular standby generators tend […]

Tips For Breaking In Your Generator

Like many mechanical devices, generators require a “breaking in” period – sometimes called mechanical run-in. Breaking in typically occurs within a few hours of use. In an engine, it involves adjusting the contact between the piston rings and the engine’s cylinder wall. After manufacturing, the cylinder wall is not perfectly smooth – there is still […]

Why You Should Invest in a Whole House Generator

Many homeowners invest in generators to keep the lights on when there is a power cut. It can be an invaluable asset in the event of a storm, social disruption, or natural disasters.  Unfortunately, homeowners will sometimes go bargain hunting for the cheapest generators they can find instead of investing for the long-term. Yes, there […]

Generator Maintenance Tips: How to Keep Your Generator Running in Winter

If you have a generator, then you will know how imperative it is to keeping your home running smoothly, should there ever be a power outage. The problem is that if you do not maintain your generator, then you may find that it fails you in the moment you truly need it. That being said, […]

Finding A Generator Maintenance Program For You

Like any other engine, a generator requires regular maintenance if you want it to continue running smoothly. If you never took your car for a service, for instance, you can hardly expect it to keep transporting you day after day. Well, precisely the same rule applies to your generator. A well-oiled and loved machine is […]

What You Should Know About Generators

It always seems like such a bright idea, but it is something that we don’t necessarily think about until those rare situations actually arise. When the power goes out in your home, and it lasts longer than a few hours, the natural reaction is to regret that we didn’t purchase a generator sooner. Having a […]

3 Common Reasons Your Generator Won’t Start

There is nothing more frustrating than turning the key on your backup generator to discover that it won’t start. As a result, you begin to lose money and patience. It was supposed to provide you with that much energy when the power goes out, but now it is useless. Unfortunately, these things do happen and […]

Is A Standby Generator An Investment?

Our society is exceptionally reliant on electricity. Everything from the batteries in our phone to some cars requires electricity to get them up and running. This means that when the power goes out, we can feel very lost and confused. Unfortunately, storms happen all the time and can at any point knock the power out, […]

Who Benefits From Having a Whole Home Generator?

As the name indicates, a whole home generator can produce sufficient power for all of the circuits in your home. You may be wondering whether or not this is something you need for your property. There are many cases whereby this can be beneficial, so let’s take a look: Do you experience frequent power outages? […]

The Differences Between Standby And Portable Generators

The climate is changing and, with it, the weather has become more unpredictable. In certain areas, this has caused storms and other natural calamities to bring more frequent power outages. And, if you have been involved in more than one, you have probably started to think about investing in a generator.  Standby and portable generators […]

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Due to a change in ownership, Generator Supercenter of Detroit is now under the care of our corporate office. Rest assured, we’re committed to protecting our customers and the Generator Supercenter brand.

If you need a quote, have an issue with your installation, or need service, please contact our corporate office at 866-516-7199, extension 105.